As you bid farewell to the year 2014 and welcome the new year, check out if it’s time to bid farewell to your old website also. Here are a few parameters to find out if you need to go for website redesigning.
A website is made to serve a purpose – by and large, the purpose is to attract new prospects and convert them into sales. If your website is not serving the very purpose of its existence then it’s the time to revamp your website. Now you’re wondering how to figure out if a website revamps or redesigning your website is really necessary. Don’t get stressed out, after reading this article till the end, you will be in a position to evaluate and decide whether your website needs a revamp or not.
Website redesigning involves cost – a cost in terms of expenditure and a cost in the form of time & resources and hence it should be dealt with meticulous planning. Ask yourself the below mentioned 5 questions, read the answers, and then take a call.
Does my website look outdated?
Like this old saying “first impression is the last impression”, your website’s first impression is very important. Having an aesthetically appealing website will not only make a long lasting first impression, but it will also increase the credibility of your brand. The home page of your website is the face of your business’ online presence and when a visitor lands on it for the first time; he should be presented with engaging and interesting content.
Is my website in sync with my business?
Like every shop or office has a different type of furniture as per the nature of their business, similarly; your website too should have a distinct layout as per the industry you belong to. A corporate website of a financial services company cannot have a jazzy look and feel. Vice-versa, a bland business style layout will not attract visitors to a beauty salon website. Not only just layout, rather; colours, typography, styling, images, content, and its tonality everything should be aligned with your business.
Is my website easy to navigate?
Go to your website and try to find the information like how your customers would do on your website. If you feel everything was easily available and smoothly accessible then it is fine, otherwise, you need to plan for a redesign. Nobody likes a complex website with cluttered links and shabby buttons all over the pages. If your visitors are not able to find what they are looking for in two or three clicks then I am sorry to say but the fact is that you’re losing potential customers.
Is my website technologically advanced?
There was a time when websites used to be just a few pages of HTML codes, but today times have changed and so does the technology. That’s why in many of our previous articles we have emphasised on creativity plus technology, instead of any one. When we say a website should be creatively engaging and technologically advanced, there are various factors one needs to check into the website, but they are more of technical. The most basic and critically important ones are mentioned below. So, re-go to your website and check if your website is:
- Compatible with Mobiles, Smartphones, iPads, and Tablets.
- And, not using the age old flash animation.
Does my website generate enough leads?
Getting enough traffic and generating enough leads that convert into sales are two different aspects of a good website design. And your website should be good at both in order to do justice with the money, time, efforts, and resources you’ve invested to make that website. If all the answers to the above questions were in your favour then your website is good enough to generate traffic. If generating traffic was your objective, then you do not need to revamp your website, but if the goal was generating enough leads, then now you know what you need to do.
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